RESET, a dramatic film about a mixed-race American teen who descends into drug addiction while struggling with her difficult childhood, will be screened on Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Maxwell Cumming Auditorium at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts as part of the Au Contraire Film Festival in Montreal, Canada. Chabad Lifeline, a non-sectarian agency dedicated to helping everyone affected by addition, will be the evening’s patron organization.
“This is truly an honor,” says Vir who is a 2015 Academy Nicholl Semi-Finalist for her script SUBURBAN TURBAN. “We're so glad our small film is part of a greater and important conversation around mental health and wellness. RESET was created for the sole purpose to help others in need…to see that LOVE makes anything possible.”
Vir was inspired to write RESET after having gone through the battle and struggle of supporting her daughter who was in recovery. She felt she had an opportunity to share this experience with others who might be struggling with the disease or with a loved one who is going through it.
See the trailer of RESET here: https://vimeo.com/122195848
About the Au Contraire Film Festival
Through the lens of our films, the Au Contraire Film Festival (ACFF) strives to erase the stigma and to dispell the myths surrounding mental illness.